Live Wealthy Q&A Session

Recorded on 3/31 at 11:30am

Live Wealthy is open for enrollment. Doors close this Friday night, March 31st

Questions about Live Wealthy

We're here to answer your questions! We will get back to you within 1 business day (but usually much sooner!)


Are you ready to Live Wealthy?

Women physicians, no matter what your money situation, medical specialty, or marital status—you can create and have financial freedom.

Hey woman physician

You've made it.

You’re smart as F and really good at what you do.

You’re able to quickly diagnose and get your patient on the way to feeling and being better. 

But when it comes to money … it’s a whole different story.

Every month, your paycheck disappears. Where does it all go? Ohhh right:

  • Student loan payments
  • Kids’ ballet lessons and soccer clinic fees
  • Mortgage
  • Car loan
  • The credit card bill after you booked that vacation you’re finally taking.

It doesn’t make sense – you’re making multiple six figures.
There should be money to invest so that you don’t have to worry about whether you can retire before you’re 65 and pay for kids’ college. 

It seems like everyone else has this money thing all figured out. You’re convinced you’re the only one secretly struggling with money. All of this leads to frustration, stress … and shame.

And every time you open up that book on money, your eyes start glazing over.

You’re smart, so why does money – which doesn’t even require a course in biochemistry – feel so impossibly hard?

I want you to know you’re not alone. 

The truth is, money feels daunting for a completely different reason.

Women are socialized to believe that money is hard and complicated. Women couldn't own property (or get a credit card) until this past century.

Have you noticed that most of the financial information out there for women tells us to spend less (because we are the “spenders”) and that we just need to save more? Plus, none of us talk about money with our work colleagues, let alone with our friends.


Most financial advice was created by men, for men

(AKA, not you.)

Their advice works because it assumes:

  • The man is the breadwinner.
  • His wife forgoes a career.
  • And instead stays home to run the household and raise the children.

So why can’t you just flip that advice? Why can’t your husband or partner do those things instead? Because:

Women who are breadwinners don’t get to be just breadwinners. 

Especially if they’re also moms.

And that’s the truth of it right there, isn’t it? That’s the part that most financial bloggers, advisors, and experts get completely and totally wrong.

It doesn’t matter that you have a high-powered career. All of society expects you to prioritize your home and family, from your mother-in-law who’s miffed you (not her son) didn’t remember to send her a birthday card, to the kindergarten teachers who ask, “...really?” when you tell them you’re not making cupcakes for the Winter Holiday Party.

All of this makes for a lot of really smart women with money “issues”.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a solution. 

The path to financial literacy towards financial freedom starts with unwinding then reprogramming how we’ve been socialized to think and feel about money in addition to learning strategies.

And when you do that, that’s when you’ll …

  • Pursue and grow additional streams of income so that you’re no longer solely dependent on your clinical income.
  • Ask for a raise because you know the value that you provide.
  • Spend your money purposefully  instead of over or under spending.
  • Confidently make money decisions and no longer rely on your financial advisor to tell you what to do.
  • Feel calmer and relaxed about money no matter what the numbers are.
  • Have the courage to pursue what your heart really desires - whether that’s starting your dream practice, going part time or pivoting to something completely different.

And the best and fastest way to get there is with expert coaching from someone who has no doubt in your ability to turn your money dreams into reality along with the support of fellow women all doing the same thing.

How do I know?

Because I’ve done it and I’ve witnessed hundreds of women, just like you, do the same.

In case we haven’t met, I’m Dr. Bonnie Koo. I’m a master certified life & money coach, author of Defining Wealth for Women, a dermatologist and mom to the cutest 5 year old boy. 

I know what it's like to have "made it" and secretly struggle with money.

When I learned this shocking truth: that the way we think about money affects how much money we have and that our beliefs about money have been shaped by a society that looks down on money, especially for women – it changed everything.

And since then I’ve taught and coached thousands of women to completely change their relationship with money. I’ve witnessed women fall back in love with their job, go part time, create businesses,  become real estate investors – and most importantly, women stepping into confidence and peace of mind around their money.

And you know what? You—yes you—can have this too.



Live Wealthy Logo
The money coaching program for women physicians who want to unlock financial freedom.

Live Wealthy marries the magic of life coaching with curated financial strategies.

Dr. val C

If you have dreams to achieve, you need this course!

“I’ve always worked for organizations that wanted physicians to see a certain number of patients per day, toe the line, etc. I dreamed of opening my own private practice, where I could practice medicine in an integrative way that really helped people, but I had no idea how to get that off the ground.

“So when I discovered Bonnie, her message about ‘you should have choices about the way you practice medicine’ really resonated with me. Because of what I learned in the course, I was able to purchase commercial office space, which is something I wouldn’t have known about if not for Bonnie. I’m about a month away now from opening my own practice and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

“Bonnie shifted my mindset about so many things, which is helping me follow my dreams. She’s just so relatable and inspirational, and the course community is full of supportive, like-minded people who all want to achieve similar things.”

Dr. Val C.

Here's what it takes to start Living Wealthy:

Know Your Mind: Learn the truth behind 90% of your money struggles - how you think about money. You'll examine where you are now and how to think differently so you can have more confidence around money.

Know Your Money: Look at your numbers so you can know where your money's been going and learn how to spend purposefully.

Buy and Grow Assets: Make decisions on how to make your money work for you not the other way around.

Manage Your Mind and Money: You'll continue to grow your mind - your best incoming producing asset and watch your material assets grow as well.

The modules are carefully curated so you don't waste time learning things you don't have to know to get started.

Here’s what you will learn in each module:

Money Mindset

Before we ever get into the nuts and bolts of personal finance, we’ll get to the root cause of your financial woes: your money mindset.

Most of us grow up thinking about money in a way that prevents us from ever becoming wealthy. You'll learn the secrets behind changing that mindset so you can become wealthy.

Spending & Debt

A big piece of the money stress puzzle is simply not knowing what’s happening with your money (aside from the grief of watching all of it go toward paying your monthly bills!). We don’t like to use the “b” word (budget) around here, so instead we call it your Spending Plan.

We don't focus on frugality -- you won't scrimp, save or feel deprived here.

No matter what, you need to understand those numbers before you can even begin addressing them. Again, this is where mindset changes can help you. You’ll learn to see all of those numbers as just numbers. This subtle psychological shift will have a huge impact on your spending.

Most of us approach budgeting backwards. Instead of doing a post-mortem on how you spent, you’ll learn how to plan your spending in advance and spend thoughtfully.

Think Beyond Your Income

Is your paycheck your only source of income? If so, you’ve set yourself up to fail. The real secret to wealth is to take that money and put it to work making more money via a strategic investing plan that will create long-term, money-making machines for you. In other words, you'll start creating and growing other streams of income.

Asset Protection

Don’t make all of that money only to lose it! You absolutely need to insure yourself against financial catastrophes. This step is so critical and often-overlooked. I’ll show you exactly which insurances you need and how to prioritize them.

Estate Planning and Beyond

Death is inevitable but also unpredictable. What will happen to your family and loved ones after you die? What impact do you want to have in this world? Do you want to create generational wealth? Planning for your estate is the last piece of financial “adulting” you need to learn before we put it all together.

Your Financial Plan

This is the best part - where you put it all together to create the life you want.

First time someone explained to me what was happening in terms of my money.

“Based on what I’ve learned in Bonnie’s course, I did a Roth conversion for my retirement accounts and started investing in passive real estate. There’s a lot of high-yield information, and because you get lifetime access, you can revisit it and learn more each time you do.

“As doctors, our patients depend on us to explain what is happening to them medically. Bonnie’s course was the first time someone explained to me what was happening in terms of my money. If you have zero financial knowledge like I did, this course can be life-changing.”

Dr. Jyoti B.

Here’s how it breaks down:


You'll learn powerful cognitive tools to scrub out your money hangups to ensure you carry out and reach your money goals.


All the money stuff you need to know ranging from cash flow, investing in the stock market & real estate, retirement accounts, insurances, estate planning and more.


A program workbook, planner and made-for-you templates to support all the learning and action you’ll be taking. You'll get the workbook and planner (plus some extras!) mailed to you.


To ensure your success there are ample opportunities to get coached live every month with Bonnie. These group sessions are recorded if you can’t make it.


24/7 access to a private, members-only community of like minded women to discuss and get support on your journey. No mansplaining or money shaming, ever.


Get written coaching support when you need it. Post your question and a coach will reply.


In addition to all of the above, you’ll get access to all of Bonnie's prior workshops and extra bonus lessons with guest teachers and coaches.

“This course invigorates and motivates women to understand that we can have control and it can be easy to understand despite our busy schedules. I am more motivated to take care of every aspect of my wealth. In addition, this is a wonderful resource for networking!!! You will not be disappointed!”

Dr. Kristina K.


Live Wealthy Logo
Get started on your journey to financial freedom.

  • Curated modules
  • Private and supportive community of like minded women
  • Take part in weekly live coaching.
  • Get all future updates and additional content including usable money templates and more like what makes it cool to get updates.
  • You get lifetime access so you can come and go as you need. It’s like joining Netflix and the subscription auto-renews for $0.00 for your one time investment.

Your investment: $5,000

(or 3 payments of $1,750)


“Live Wealthy is a course every woman physician needs to take, ASAP. You’ll notice your bank account, investment portfolio, and your mind just exploding with growth! That’s what happened to me. If you’re thinking about signing up for Bonnie’s course, you will not be disappointed. Just. Do. It.” 

Dr. Kate M.

What you get:

✓ Live Wealthy online program
✓ The Program Workbook + Live Wealthy Planner mailed to you
✓ Digital templates for the program
✓ Live Weekly Group Coaching calls (these are recorded)
✓ Written coaching
✓ Private Members-Only Facebook Community
✓ Bonus Content by Guest Experts
Lifetime Membership for a one-time investment
✓ Up to 15 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (for MD/DO physicians)

Live Wealthy Program

Get the program workbook and the Live Wealthy Planner plus some extras mailed to you when you join

Dr. Lea F

I had been working so hard for so long and I was severely burnt out. I felt like I was just living through the days to get to the weekend. I just wanted to find some way to work a little less hard without falling even further behind financially.”

“Working with Bonnie was honestly life-changing. Thanks to her course, I’m now credit card debt free! That’s huge for me. My husband teases me about wanting to make sure something is in the budget before we buy it, but it’s working. I’ve also started investing in passive real estate and I’ve opened a Uniform Transfers to Minors account for my son.

“Learning about my financial options, and having a financial road map, has made it easier to navigate the day-to-day of practicing medicine. Bonnie, thank you so much for making this possible for me and my family.”

Dr. Lea F.

You’re smart and resourceful, so you could do this on your own, right?

Yep, you could totally do this solo. But, expecting yourself to know exactly what you need to learn and piece together all the information from a google rabbit-hole …

Well, not only is that going to take a gazillion hours (which you don’t have), it’s like expecting yourself to be fluent in Korean after a season of K-Drama.

Recognizing and unwinding your deep seated money beliefs while learning the money skills you need to know takes time and focus to learn. And the fastest (and way more fun!) way to get through this process is 1) having access to the core financial information you need to know and 2) getting expertly coached while being in a supportive community. 

Plus, you’ll avoid a lotttt of money mistakes.


Live Wealthy Logo
Get started on your journey to financial freedom.

  • Curated modules
  • Private and supportive community of like minded women
  • Take part in weekly live coaching.
  • Get all future updates and additional content including usable money templates and more like what makes it cool to get updates.
  • You get lifetime access so you can come and go as you need. It’s like joining Netflix and the subscription auto-renews for $0.00 for your one time investment.

Your investment: $5,000

(or 3 payments of $1,750)

"Since starting in the course, I've invested in an index fund, identified another bond fund I want to invest in for longer term goals, and also identified a passive income real estate investment company I'm interested in working with.  I've contacted a lawyer for estate planning and bought umbrella insurance."

Dr. Alanna L.

You could hire a financial planner

True. But, first, they don’t really teach you anything about money.  And they can only officially handle and advise you on stock investments when it comes to investing.  Second, they charge $5,000 - 10,000 a year, EVERY year. 

With Live Wealthy, you get the financial education you need to know for a one time investment of $5,000.

We do have members inside of Live Wealthy that have financial planners.  But the difference now is they are the CEO of their money.  Not the other way around.  And we have members that have let go of their planners.


Live Wealthy Logo
Get started on your journey to financial freedom.

  • Curated modules
  • Private and supportive community of like minded women
  • Take part in weekly live coaching.
  • Get all future updates and additional content including usable money templates and more like what makes it cool to get updates.
  • You get lifetime access so you can come and go as you need. It’s like joining Netflix and the subscription auto-renews for $0.00 for your one time investment.

Your investment: $5,000

(or 3 payments of $1,750)

“As a lower earning physician, I believed that I could not create the type of wealth that other women could. I thought I’d be stuck in a job I didn’t love forever because I had to.

"I joined Live Wealthy to learn a bit more about my finances to get a better handle on things and maybe learn some new ways to invest. Fast forward and now I own 2 cash flowing rental properties. I never thought I would be able to do this.

"Not only that but my confidence has skyrocketed in other areas of my life. I know I am a great mom. I no longer hate my job. I’m taking trips with my family now instead of later. “

Dr. Jessica C.

Thinking this sounds awesome but worried about how you'll find the time?

You have a lot on your plate. I get it.

AND the best way to get things off your plate is to have financial freedom.

Money gives you choices, period. It frees up a lot time.

The core money modules take < 6 hrs (less on 2x speed!).

You can do this. No matter what your current income is.

Your happiness, joy and financial freedom is priceless.

You might be wondering ...

Questions about Live Wealthy

We're here to answer your questions! We will get back to you within 1 business day (but usually much sooner!)


"This hits the sweet spot of actionable money knowledge combined with training the real tool for making money work for us: our minds.”

Dr Jessica K.


Live Wealthy Logo
Get started on your journey to financial freedom.

  • Curated modules
  • Private and supportive community of like minded women
  • Take part in weekly live coaching.
  • Get all future updates and additional content including usable money templates and more like what makes it cool to get updates.
  • You get lifetime access so you can come and go as you need. It’s like joining Netflix and the subscription auto-renews for $0.00 for your one time investment.

Your investment: $5,000

(or 3 payments of $1,750)


“I was mid-career, looking toward retirement, and realizing that the miracle of compound interest wasn’t so miraculous anymore. I wondered what I could do to be able to live the life I wanted to live—and I wasn’t sure I could find it.

“I started the course with $80,000 of credit card debt. I walked out credit card debt-free. In fact, my husband and I started to renovate our attic so we can better accommodate living long-term with a young adult with special needs.

“But I think my favorite part is the greenhouse I was able to build. Being able to walk in there and have some sunshine—and see green and growing things even in the grey Minnesota months—has saved my sanity more than once during this pandemic.

“And every time I walk into my greenhouse, I think about how this wouldn’t have been possible without two people in particular, and one of those two people is Bonnie. Bonnie, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you taught me.”

-Dr Stella E.

Stella Evans


Live Wealthy Logo
The money coaching program for women physicians and high income earners who want to get serious about their finances now and their wealth in the future.

Your investment: $5,000

(or 3 payments of $1,750)