
Brief update on our finances

Last month I spelled out how we are investing our money in 2017. I mentioned there were some moving parts – namely, M was unemployed and we knew, at the time, that I was (newly) pregnant. Now, M has a job (yay!) and looks like this pregnancy will stick, so now we can do some real projections for 2017. Our asset allocation will remain the same. This year our total “retirement” contributions will consist of:

  • $18,000 my 403(b)
  • $20,800 employer match + contribution into my 403(b). Currently 20% vested. 40% vested as of August 1, 2017 so actually $8,320
  • $18,000 my 457(b)
  • $5,500 my Roth IRA
  • $18,000 his 403(b). No matching at this time
  • $11,000 his Roth IRA (his first! For 2016 and 2017)
  • Other sources:
    • A very modest amount ~$1,000 into my solo-401(k). Yes this blog likely won't lose money this year 🙂
    • ~$5,000 his solo-401(k) – he has some 1099 income this year
Total: ~ $84,820 We are also socking away money for my planned maternity leave + new baby expenses. One of the main reasons we can put away so much is because our current housing costs are low (for NYC that is). It is definitely tempting to “upgrade” with baby on the way, but, after much thought, we have decided to re-assess sometime in 2018 after we have a better idea of what child care costs will be. We are now on a waiting list for an infant day care in the neighborhood for 3 days a week. My mom will come the other 2 days and be back-up if/when Eggy is sick. M will also be back-up. A nanny will cost at least $10,000 more a year. How are your finances going this year? Comment below.]]>

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