157: Passive Real Estate Investment for Physicians with Peter Kim M.D.

Wealthy Mom MD with Bonnie Koo | Passive Real Estate Investment for Physicians with Peter Kim M.D.Like many physicians, my guest this week decided he wanted other ways to generate income outside of his job as a doctor. This search led him to real estate investing, and he hasn’t looked back since. I’ve learned tons about real estate investing from him, and he’s here to share his wisdom on the podcast.

Peter Kim, M.D. is a practicing anesthesiologist who has invested in real estate both through direct ownership of rental properties as well through private, passive real estate deals (both syndications and funds). He started sharing about his journey to financial freedom on his blog, Passive Income MD, with the hopes of helping other physicians do the same through his online course and physician-only community.

Tune in this week to discover how to get started investing in real estate as a physician. We’re discussing why there is a massive need for education around real estate for physicians, why Peter chooses to focus mostly on passive real estate investing, and why real estate is the key to financial freedom for physicians like you.

Learn more about Live Wealthy, an exclusive coaching program designed for successful women who want to be confident.... and be rich.

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why real estate is an amazing way to take control of your income as a physician.
  • How Peter discovered his passion for real estate investing.
  • Why Peter chose to prioritize investing in real estate rather than stocks.
  • The amazing sense of community that exists in the physician real estate investing space.
  • Why there is a huge need for education on real estate in the physician space.
  • The reason Peter decided to focus more on passive real estate investing rather than active.
  • Your options for making real estate investment your key to financial freedom, without using up all of your precious time.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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