Grow your wealth.
And create a beautiful, rich life that’s designed around what you desire—because here’s the secret: you can.
When you have six-figure student loans and an inbox full of bills …the idea of wealth sounds so distant, you’d have to board a SpaceX rocket to reach it.
(Or maybe you’re “okay” financially. Your bills are paid, you go on a few vacations a year, but if you lose your job? You'll be in trouble.)
The truth is: no matter what your financial situation is, wealth is available to you. You just need a trusted guide and mentor to show you how to get there.
You can spend more time with the people you love and still be a physician and have as much money as you want.
Pick a $ number—and let me show you how to make it real.
I marry financial strategy with the metamorphic magic of life-coaching. On my podcast and in my programs, I simplify complex financial topics and show you how to use the best money-making tool you have: your mind.

There’s a big difference between me and most of the people giving out financial advice on the internet: I've been there.
Hi! I’m Bonnie Koo. I’m a master certified life coach, mother, partner and a retired dermatologist who’s passionate about teaching personal finance strategies designed specifically for successful women. Just like you, I had to work harder to become and prove myself as a woman.
I wasn’t born or raised wealthy. In fact, I was born in South Korea, but my decidedly lower-middle-class family and I immigrated to New Jersey when I was two. My parents had the immigrant mindset of work hard, study hard, and become a doctor (or lawyer).
After majoring in biochemistry at Barnard College, I actually worked in the IT department of Morgan Stanley for four years. I made a six-figure salary by age 23. But I realized I really did want to help people, so I pursued my medical degree at Columbia University, and completed residency by age 38.
During that time, my money situation took a turn for the worse.
By the time I finished residency, I was living paycheck to paycheck, and using my credit card to fill in the gaps. I accumulated $20,000 of credit card debt and more than $200,000 in student loans. About 10 years prior to that, I had cashed out my 401(k) plan at Morgan Stanley.
See, I was well-educated, but I knew very little about money. (They certainly don’t teach anything about it in medical school.)
So what changed? In my last year of residency, I overheard a few residents discussing money and investing. I was intrigued, and they told me to read the White Coat Investor book. I did, and I was hooked. I began reading everything I could find to learn more.
I put my hard-won financial education to work and deep-sixed the debt and the loans...and rather than working hard for my money, I made my money work hard for me.
I then learned a shocking truth: the way we think about money affects how much money we have. And our beliefs about money have been shaped by a society that looks down on money, especially for women.
Now, I don’t have to work for someone else anymore. I get to spend my time how I want to. If I want to travel, go shopping in the middle of the day, or even take my son to a doctor’s appointment, I don’t have to ask permission. I can just do it.
And you know what? You—yes you—can have this too.
No matter what debt you have.
No matter which career you chose.
No matter where you live, or who you married (or divorced), or how many kids you have.
You can be wealthy.
Get started on creating wealth. Get my book, Defining Wealth for Women, for FREE.