5: Get Your Side Gig On with Dr. Carrie Reynolds

You are here to uplevel your money and your life. One way to do that is to learn to think beyond your clinical income. Typically, physicians see direct patient care as their only source of income. Once our eyes are opened to multiple streams of income, people have a very common question, “What should I do?

To help you get started, I sat down with my friend and fellow physician Dr. Carrie Reynolds. In addition to her physician work, Carrie also runs her own business, the Hippocratic Hustle, that showcases the side work of other physicians. Her podcast currently features over 70 guests who are doing amazing things outside of traditional clinical medicine. 

When it comes to finding the right side gig, the most important thing you can do is to get started. Carrie says it’s OK if you don’t know what the end goal will be. She shares Dr. Kristen Bizati’s story about how a wedding planning book with a focus on Persian weddings snowballed into an intercultural consulting career. 

Another important aspect of starting a side gig as a physician is understanding our unique perspective and skillset. As problem-solvers by nature, many physicians find side work that overlaps with something they do professionally. In the case of Dr. Katie Deming, her work as an oncologist led her to create MakeMerry, a company that understands the unique needs of breast cancer patients and survivors. 

Even if you don’t start a side gig right away, it is important to at least consider the possibility of side gig work. It’s easy to forget that there are other things out there if you’ve been doing your clinical work for so long. You can build a side gig around a passion that is an offshoot of your skills or one that allows you to revisit an interest or hobby from the past. 

As you continue to foster a growth mindset, improve your finances, and uplevel your life, you won’t want to miss the advice in this episode from Dr. Carrie Reynolds.

In this episode, we also explore:

  • Carrie’s Hippocratic Hustle empire that spans side gigs, travel, and real estate 
  • Why physicians are uniquely suited to side hustle and explore entrepreneurship 
  • How podcasts are monetized and the real way they can propel a career or side gig 

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